Condemned Soil

Oh the fruits of our labours abound,
When that glorious trumpet does sound.
Christ will come and deliver us all,
The righteous will rise while sinners fall
.The Earth will become a fiery hell,
Where Satan, sinners, and damned souls dwell.
But faithful believers do not fear,
Not one of you must agonize there.
Yet there is a truth we all must face.
One day Earth will be a tortured place.
All of our strain, tears, blood, sweat, and toil,
Are being wasted on condemned soil.

2 Response to "Condemned Soil"

  • Aurora Says:

    I wrote this on a day that I was feeling rather put out with the world and pondering the point of it all. But besides the whole moody bit...

    It's the best pentameter I have on this page. I think it my actually have some....pentameter that is.

  • robin.c.s. Says:

    Wow. Interesting. You know, I have to say, this really made me think. Generally, in my experience, Christians view The End as something blessed, because it means we'll be reunited with God and we'll get to leave behind the pain and suffering forever. But I don't think it always processes that that means the earth we're currently suffering in (and oftentimes FOR) really is condemned, and so, what's the point if it's all for naught?

    Really interesting concept. I like this a LOT.